What Is A Public Adjuster

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A public adjuster is someone that you pay to help you with your insurance claim. They have no relationship with your insurance company and work for you!

Public insurance adjusters are insurance claim professionals that you can hire to represent you for the purpose of documenting and negotiating your insurance claim. Company/staff and independent adjusters are hired, paid by and report only to the insurance companies, not policyholders.

Benefits of Hiring your Own adjuster:

  1. We are held to a high ethical standards by the Florida Department of Insurance.
  2. Public Adjusters usually more then pay for themselves. According to the government study on Citizens Property Insurance Corporation of Florida – Public Adjusters helped their client’s receive payments that were 747% higher. According to the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) study conducted in January 2010. “ The difference in payments was larger for claims related to 2005 hurricanes, with public adjuster claims resulting in payments that were 747% higher.”
  3. Only a Public Adjuster, attorney and policyholder can settle claims!
    General contractors, Water, Fire and Restoration companies may be engaged in the unauthorized practice of public adjusting - Which is against the law!
  4. Public Adjusters study & understand insurance policy language, with particular experience in reading the fine print.
  5. Public Adjusters represent the policy holder not the insurance company. Independent and staff adjusters work for the insurance company to control your loss and determine what should and should not be covered in your insurance policy. This means that sometimes the interests of the insurance company are put ahead of the interests of the policy holder. You would not hire the other side’s attorney to represent you in a divorce or personal injury case, and most people would not hire the IRS to do their taxes? So why would you expect the insurance company's adjuster to pay you every penny that you are entitled too?
  6. Public Adjusters are experts in estimating damages. Many general contractors are good at repairing damages, but not good at writing detailed unit cost estimates which requires a specialized skill, expertise and knowledge.
  7. The best public adjusters have past experience working for the insurance company and know the inside secrets. These public adjusters use this knowledge to your advantage.
  8. The best public adjusters continually engage in advanced training. Interestingly the insurance industry is cutting staff and reducing their training expenses, while at the same time putting higher demands on their adjusters. Therefore, a public adjuster may well be better trained, have more experience, and have more time to devote to your loss.
  9. Public Adjusters save you time and aggravation. Insurance claim settlements are a time consuming process. Many professional people do not have the time to devote to this full time process of documenting their loss. Getting your claim settled properly can be very stressful and aggravating, it make more sense to hand off this burden to a professional.
  10. Public Adjusters get paid on a contingency fee or hourly basis. In addition, the Florida Department of Financial Services regulates public adjuster fees in Florida.

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