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Filing Lightning Damage Claims in Florida

Of all the natural disasters South Florida residents need to worry about, lightning may not be at the top of the list. You might wonder if it’s something you should really consider when choosing a homeowners’ insurance policy.

The answer is yes. Lightning strikes can cause substantial damage alone, but are also likely to cause other types of issues, such as fire and electrical damage. Because lightning can reach temperatures of up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, the likelihood of a fire starting in your home once it is struck is very likely. That, paired with the surge of power to your electrical system, can leave many of your appliances damaged beyond repair.

Is lightening covered?

Fortunately, most Florida homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover damage caused by lightning strikes, particularly fire and electric damage. The issue that many homeowners find is that the extent of the damage is not always easy to determine. You cannot necessarily assume that because a surge has damaged one computer, all of them are damaged. Making a full assessment of the damage can be time consuming, made worse by the time and effort takes to make your home safe for living.

Chances are that if your home was struck by lightning in Broward County, you will have to wait for it to be inspected and deemed safe. Once you can reenter your home, it might help to bring in an expert to walk through and test your outlets, appliances and switches. A third party will know what needs to be checked quickly, a process that could otherwise take weeks.

Filing a claim

Once you’ve established a solid estimate of the full extent of your West Palm Beach property damage, you should file a claim with your insurance company, detailing the inventory and value of losses. This will put you in a better place when discussing compensation for your lightning damage claim with the insurance adjuster. A public adjuster can help you make the initial assessment of all of the damage before you decide if your claim is worth being submitted to your insurance company.

When you have made the initial assessment of the damage to your home with an expert, you should ask this professional for an estimate of the costs, as well. This will give you something to compare to when working with your insurer.

Given the nature of lightning strike damage, it might help to have a public adjuster on your side when filing a claim in Florida. One of these professionals will give you the knowledge and resources you need to get the most out of this complex process.

Advocate Claims Public Adjusters serve home and business owners throughout Florida, including Broward County, Palm Beach County and the surrounding areas. To learn more, call 1-954-369-0573 or contact us online.