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Christmas Tree Fire Safety Tips for Homeowners in Florida

Christmas trees are a staple of the holiday season for many homeowners in south Florida. However, in the context of celebration, priorities tend to shift away from good safety practices in an effort to have the best décor possible for friends and family to enjoy. It’s important to consider all of the extraneous factors taking…

Lenny Bauman: Be wary of “unlicensed” advice | The Gainesville Sun | Gainesville, FL

Dealing with flood, fire or other serious damage to a home can be an extremely stressful experience, as owners attempt to secure precious belongings, protect their home against further damage and document their loss for insurance purposes. Words of advice come from nearly every angle, as everyone from friends, family and neighbors to insurance company…

Tips for Preventing Electrical Fires

Believe it or not, there’s a powerful source of fire right inside your home: electricity. From old defective wiring to overloaded outlets, there are electrical fire hazards everywhere we turn. As a matter of fact, more than 40,000 residential fires are caused each year by faulty electrical wiring, according to the United States Consumer Product…