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What Can Florida Policyholders Learn from Hurricane Sandy Victims Not Satisfied with Insurance Claims?

Most people expect that when a natural disaster hits their home or property, their insurance company will be right there to get you the compensation you need to make repairs. However, that’s not always the case. In many situations, especially after a big storm that damages thousands of homes, insurance companies are reluctant to pay out adequate amounts of compensation for claims.

This seems to be the case in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, in which thousands and thousands of people have filed claims. A good chunk of these victims are unhappy with the results they’ve gotten in working with their insurers after the storm.

A Case in Natural Disaster Insurance Capacity

After Hurricane Sandy, the failure of homeowner’s and property owner’s insurance companies extended beyond a simple struggle to keep up with insurance claims. According to the J.D. Power 2014 Property Claims Satisfaction Study, a large number of Sandy victims were severely dissatisfied with how their claim was handled, causing satisfaction with Sandy-related property claims to drop 20 points on the 1,000-point scale.

Your satisfaction should be the highest priority for your insurance company, but that doesn’t always happen. That’s because insurance companies and insurance claims adjusters have their own best interests in mind, and they need to protect their own business.

Public Insurance adjusters, on the other hand, work for you—the insured home or building owner in Florida. When insurance companies fail to deliver, a public adjuster is the resource you need to help you through a difficult time and recover the compensation you need and deserve to repair your property.

Why a Public Insurance Adjuster?

How does a public adjuster handle a disaster scenario better than an insurance company like Citizens Property, St Johns Insurance Co. or Federated National? For one, a public adjuster has the skills and knowledge to navigate the complex insurance world, closely examining the damage to your property and your insurance policy to ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation to which you’re entitled.

On the other hand, those who handle claims at your insurance company, particularly in the event of a disaster, are outsourced independent adjusters who are not employees of your insurance company. They are simply dealing in mass paperwork, which means issuing a large number of estimates and reports. Public insurance adjusters don’t see you as a commodity. They work with you, face to face, and approach your case with the care and attention you need after disaster strikes in Palm Beach County.

Regardless of your agent or policy, it might be in your best interest to take a different approach to filing an insurance claim in Florida. When the numbers are stacked against you, a Florida public adjuster offers the personalized attention you need.

Advocate Claims works with home and building owners across South Florida, including Miami, Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach, and the surrounding areas. Call us today at 954-978-0886 or contact us online.