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Insurance Claims Can Not Legally Be Adjusted by General Contractors, Roofers And Restoration Companies

If you are property or homeowner that has just been through the devastation of a tornado, hailstorm, the recent wildfires or other natural disaster be sure to have a public adjuster on your side. Many people don’t realize what our role is and how it is we help you. Although it is the responsibility of the policyholder to claim all losses, we know that after going through such a disaster the last thing on your mind is having to deal with the insurance company and its representatives.Let us lift that burden off your shoulders.

Public adjusters work for the policyholder, not the insurance company. We handle all the details of your insurance claim and are very thorough in helping you find all possible losses so that you are adequately compensated for them.  Insurance companies have their own adjusters and they work for the insurance company. They may be friendly when they come on your site to survey the damage to your property, and quickly scan sometimes overlooking major losses.  They may not be properly trained or are simply disinterested and more often than not miss crucial losses that you are entitled to claim. Many policyholders simply give in to what the insurance company offers because they are unaware of what losses they can be compensated for.

General contractors, roofers or restoration companies cannot legally adjust your claim, they can only write an estimate for the damage and the work they will perform afterwards. A licensed public adjuster provides insurance adjusting services to serve the property owner.

When hiring a public adjuster rest assured that we advocate for you. We are professionals in this field and will document all of your losses, completely insurance forms,estimate the cost of repairs, as well as do the negotiating and delegating with the insurance company so you won’t have to. As a homeowner you will have enough work to do to get your home or property back in order of everyday life.

The answer to the question you’ve been wanting to ask.  What are our fees or how do we get paid? We receive our pay out of the final insurance settlement and only if they are able to obtain a settlement.  If the adjuster earns you a higher settlement offer, we receive a small percentage  which comes out of that settlement and is regulated by state law.

Let us do the work for you.

For additional information or to contact us click on Public Adjusters South Florida