Flood Insurance Adjusters Enjoying Their “Government Authority” Too Much
Some of the FEMA flood adjusters working with Hurricane Sandy relief are experienced, but in times of crisis, when many hands are needed, you will find that most of them only took a short three-day course to learn how to handle claims.
The certification program to learn how to “make a flood estimate” is only 3 days!
Many of these “Three-Day Wonder-Workers” develop an attitude of superiority and arrogance after taking their flood certification training course. This arrogance stems from hiding behind a false shield of protection as a quasi-government employee (as FEMA is a government agency). As a former staff adjuster and independent adjuster, I have taken the course several times, and I know for a fact that an attitude of arrogance permeates the air in this classroom, and beyond.
The insurance companies that write your insurance policy and handle your insurance claims hide behind the facade of working for the government, since flood claims are handled by FEMA, the federal agency. This arrogant attitude is manifested by the lack of proper claim handling and good-faith claims conduct, that is currently being employed by the flood adjusters in the widespread Super Storm Sandy damages.
These new and inexperienced claims adjusters don’t return calls to flood victims as needed, often ignore evidence of their incorrect damage estimates, and don’t handle claims on a first-come, first-serve basis. They handle them in an order of “how much money can I make before I leave town”.
These types of adjusters are stealing relief money from the Federal government while running away from their true responsibilities, like thieves in the night. Even though FEMA has issued numerous directives to the insurance companies to control this rampant situation, these insurance companies and FEMA act with impunity, ignoring the directives they are given.
“How can they get away with this poor claim handling”, you might ask? These insurance companies have a one way ticket to help themselves to your flood premium dollars, yet suffer no penalties for their poor performance. No wonder theses adjusters feel they are above the law, and this attitude of arrogance is allowed to grow.
It’s up to you, the policy holder, to hold them accountable. Be sure you do your homework and don’t be fooled by someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Call Advocate Claims to help you by creating a real, thorough and meticulous claim and get what you deserve. Advocate Claims is truly on your side, as we are a policy-holder’s advocate, here to help you rebuild, one step at a time.
*Now assisting New Jersey flood claims, Jersey shore hurricane claims, Hurricane sandy flood claims. Advocate Claims is an Insurance adjuster for Toms River area and other New Jersey areas. Re-open Hurricane Sandy Claim by calling Advocate Claims to help.