Warning Insurance Company Engineers
Warning – Insurance Company Engineers are Not Your Friends.
Recently, insurance companies were ordered by federal judges in New York and New Jersey, to turn over multiple versions of engineering reports that were allegedly falsified and used to deny claims. This marks the first time a wide-spread action has happened legally, to trap the insurance companies in the bad faith efforts they use when working with engineers, to deny insurance claims.
It is always wise to have a public adjuster working on your behalf early in the insurance claim process. However, it is never more important to have a public adjuster at your side than when the insurance carrier assigns an engineer to review the damages to your property, and determine if the claim should be paid.
Your insurance company’s adjuster will often say that an engineer is a third-party that can assess a claim impartially and scientifically. While in an ideal situation this may be true, it is rarely the case when dealing with an insurance carrier. One must notice the motivation for the engineer to perform within the wishes or agenda of the insurance company; otherwise, he/she would not get business from the insurance company in the future.
The process of dealing with every part of the damage to your property, in an insurance claim, is really a science project. It requires our skill in knowing every aspect of the repairs, for every aspect of the damage incurred. Additionally, we must know the laws and ordinances which govern the construction and repairs. These laws and ordinances may also demand a certain performance by the insurance carrier on the claim.
As the homeowner, it is highly unlikely that you will understand the language of the insurance company. At Advocate Claims, we have handled thousands of Florida insurance claims and our vast experience has made us extremely capable of dealing with your claim and getting you the money that you deserve for unfortunate property damages.
Why is your insurance company sending an engineer to your home?
The insurance company may be looking for small loopholes that give them a reason to deny paying for your claim.
The insurance adjuster that your insurance company sent to look at your property, does not know enough about structural damages in order to justify it on your claim. This happens when the adjuster is not seasoned or the adjuster just wishes to have a second opinion.
The Insurance Company Adjuster is attempting to keep the payout on your claim lower, by telling the contractor that structural damage does need to be replaced, but rather can be repaired.
The adjuster wants to “rule in” a policy provision in your policy which could negate or force the denial of the claim. This may be the result of a policy provision that you may not be aware existed. Examples include: policy exclusions for wood rot, wood born insects, mold, or long term water intrusion.
We meet and often negate the effects of bad engineering reports, by using our years of experience and understanding of detailed policy provisions.
Advocate Claims, acting as your Public Adjuster in Florida, is the best resource to avoid the pitfalls of homeowner insurance claims. Starting the process off at the start of the claim, is always the best choice when working with a public adjuster. That being said, your claim moves into dangerous waters when an engineer comes in for a review. Don’t let this happen without calling on Advocate Claims to consult and help.
Advocate Claims is a Public Adjusting Firm in Florida. We represent only the policy owner, never the insurance carrier.